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Digital Content Marketing

What is content marketing & why it's important for a successful online experience

Content is not king (sorry!)

Good content is very important in the online world but “Content is king” is misleading. This phrase is everywhere but it encourages people into thinking that great content guarantees success and it doesn’t. Great content means nothing without links – You can pack your website full of pages of text, images, videos and it still won’t rank well in Google. You can read more about the history of “Content is king” in my blog.

Creating text content for people & search engines

Good content is what people want to read and not what you want to tell them.
By writing content that is user-focused, you are automatically writing content for search engines because search engines want to show people great “stuff”. Text content can include landing page text, blog text or help guides, product information – Giving people the information they want means more of them will engage with your business.
Understanding how to use content, how to correctly place it on a website and how to promote the new content are small but important parts in the content marketing puzzle.

content marketing circle

Using images & video for content marketing

A good image or graphic or video on a website can boost website performance by making the website nice to look at and clear and easy to use.
Google can’t see images or videos, it just sees an empty white box so good use of accurate alt tagging is as important as the image or video itself. Using graphics to communicate important messages can stop the need for pages with huge amounts of text content.

Where I come in

I help you to understand what content needs to be created to get the results & performance you are looking for. If you don’t have the time or skill to write the content in-house, I have a team of content writers that I’ve used for years and they cover most sectors. Once created, I’ll help you to get the most value from the content by ensuring its used in the right places and in the correct way
